The entry of foreign objects in the nose that often occurs in children, including dangerous conditions. If left unchecked, this condition can result in difficulty breathing, injury, and serious infection. This condition can occur because children do not quite understand the function of body organs and often have a high curiosity. So that not infrequently, children insert foreign objects, such as lumps of paper, foam, cotton, beads, gravel, nuts, and other small objects into the body, including the nose. Recognize the Signs of Foreign Objects in the Nose of Children Children who put a foreign object in the nose often escape the sight of parents. There are times when parents are careless in watching their children play, even though this is often the case of foreign objects entering the child's nose. Parents can recognize the symptoms of a child's nose containing a foreign object, in the form of: Children become restless, easily fussy, cry, or complain because of pain and ...